Tag Archives: oxford

Once Upon a Time

It was a rainy day, and my arm was tired from holding up the umbrella. I needed some place that was indoors and interesting enough that I could kill time. The attractions were clearly signposted, the shopping center, the river, the old castle and the story museum. Guess where I ended up.story museumUpon arrival I was given a map and a brochure on which to collect stamps. There were 26, one for each letter of the alphabet and for each character in the museum. The idea is you wander around and as you find them you tick them off and collect the stamp. (Ie. ‘T’ was Neil Gaiman, who was dressed up as Badger in a Wind in the Willows themed room) I asked the guy who handed me the map what his favourite part of the museum was. He said he couldn’t tell me but that it was upstairs and I’d know it when I saw it.

With that and my challenge in hand I set off to collect my stamps. The best part about this museum is that you’re encouraged to interact with everything.There is a chalkboard where the wild things are for you to draw your own wild thing, and for the peter pan exhibit you must clap if you believe in fairies. The best part was the changing room. Inside there was a wall of costumes of everything you could ever possibly imagine (in all sorts of shapes and sizes). The idea was you became a character, chose your name from the list of adjectives, nouns and nonsense provided and then sat on the “magical” throne which shouts your new name loud enough for everyone to hear. One small girl transformed herself proudly into “the curious potato of somewhere.” 20141004_132534

The story museum is a collection of classics, which makes it great for all ages. It was actually quite fun to observe the children rushing around collecting stamps whilst their parents were remembering the stories and being thrown back to another lifetime.

I did find the surprise part in the end, but I’m not going to tell you what it is. You’ll just have to go and see for yourself.


Pay for entry £7.50 for adults, a little less for kids.

A great alternative (or addition) to following the crowds around the colleges of oxford.

Kitty says 4/5 Rawrs (We wish it was bigger!)